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  1. We are excited about the new farm stand being built. We are looking forward to being a regular customer for your healthy foods. Thanks for all that you do and congratulations on your new girl. Captain Bob and Nancy

  2. We have now tried many of the products at the farm stand. The meats are excellent, tenderloin was so tender and tasted great. Maple flavored sausage was excellent. Wife enjoyed the lamb steak very much. The granola was amazing and unavailable anywhere else, great when mixed with the natural yogurt they sell. Real bacon at first looked strange because we had never seen it like that before but cooked well and was better than regular store brands. Prices at first seemed a little high, however after trying what we did, we see the value is there and we will be buying more soon. Thank you to the O’Donnell family for providing this great resource. “Captain” Bob and Wife

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