A Field Video Tour!

We went around and saw some of our fields this last wk. Most did great and are thriving…accouple aren’t doing that well. I remembered to video Farmer Sean as he walked around and talked about each field. The sun was out and it was just gorgeous out! I love our little field dates and Violet…

Homemade BBQ Sauce

Our family favorite homemade BBQ sauce recipe! If you taste it you wont want to go back to store bought!! Its so hard to find a BBQ sauce recipe without high fructose corn syrup that taste good in the stores. At least I haven’t found one that we loved in the stores. But when I…

Homemade Ketchup

Are you guys looking for a better alterative ketchup then the stuff you find at the store? Don’t have a lot of extra time on your hands? Want to know the ingredients in the food you eat? I have the perfect recipe for you!! My kids are huge fans! It literally takes 1 minute and…

New Lambs!

So far we have had 8 lambs born this spring with only one more going to lamb out! We ended up with 7 Rams and 1 ewe. So I guess not a good year for growing the herd lol. This is Rosemary. She was the first one to lamb out and the first one to…

Dry Goods CSA

We are now offering a Dry Goods CSA boxes!!!! Click https://rustedroosterfarm.com/csa-information/ for more info on that. We are so excited to be able to open the CSA up this spring and fall for you all! Ordering for the April pick up will be shut off by April 1st so hurry and order your box now…